The most significant changes for me in an online environment will be creating and maintaining the teacher student relationship. One of my strengths in the face to face environment has always been in establishing meaningful relationships where students want to be successful. It’s those little things such as noticing when a student is absent and letting them know you missed them that creates the trust and respect for students to want to give their best effort. With the majority of interaction and communication being online I will have to make a concerted effort to make written responses, which is much more challenging to me, in lieu of the more natural daily interactions with students. Enve in my current role as a student in this course I see the importance of meaningful feedback as I find myself checking a couple of times a day to see if there have been any additional comments, posts or discussions that I have been participating in.
I see myself improving in this area by making a commitment to review and reflect on my current practice and feedback, to students, on a consistent basis. I also see the importance of collaborating with other educators working on building their skills as educators in a blended/online environment.
Additionally I need to develop a strategy to focus on the specific task and move forward with the project. It is both a strength and weakness for me to try and explore all the options prior to selecting a course of action. Just in selecting the Web 2.0 tool for the Module 3 Group project I have spent over three hours just reviewing new tools and programs. This is an area that I hope to take advantage of the group wisdom to help with recommendations rather than exploring all of them on my own.
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